Saturday, May 9, 2009

"More Craiglist Controversy, The Phone Sex Industry, & Phone Sex Kingdom"

Well, here we are in the second week of May and I've come back to air my views once again as a follow-up to the ever so popular craigslist controversy. What can I say? There are two things everyone with a functioning brain stem has and one of them is an opinion. We all know what the other is.

Certainly we have all come from varied backgrounds and are entitled to our own sentiments. Yes, I'm the Phone Sex Operator who wrote, with great conviction, the post that my boss, Nicole Burke posted on the craigslist blog March 9, 2009.

We can sit in our little easy chairs and watch the world go by tossing our two cents in and never acting on it. Or we can be pro-active in our own lives and be shakers and movers. We can do it quietly, behind the scenes, or we can do it up big and grand. So here is round two from this lady. Yes, I said lady and I am one in every sense of the word. I have a job to do and I do it quite well I may add. Am I respectable and a contributing member to this society in which I occupy? Absolutely!

I am currently watching a 30 year marriage unravel from a front row, center seat, because two people went their separate ways by becoming complacent in their commitment to each other. "She" became so wrapped up in spending money, shopping online and by way of TV, not to mention the old fashioned way as well. She turned her back on taking care of "His" needs. In turn, he looked elsewhere because he felt he was nothing more than a paycheck and a visitor in his own home when it came to the intimacy he needed and desired with his wife. "She" doesn't cook for him, clean his home, share any common interests, even at his begging for her to join him. He drags in after very little sleep and bringing in twice as much money as she does, only to cook his own meals, clean the dishes she's left in the sink for a week while he was away working, and clean the bathroom he uses less than 5% of the time she does. That added to no sex!! Hello? "They" are both at fault. So what's your point, Bailey?

COME ON PEOPLE!! Get off your rear ends, be what you've promised you'll be, keep it hot, passionate, give that 100% "he" needs. Then maybe "he" won't need to call "BadBailey" or Phone Sex Kingdom to take care of that fraction of his life he so desperately needs fulfilled. Before you women whine about craigslist, your failed marriages, and our very legal service we offer as phone sex operators, check yourself closely in the mirror. Have you done your part in leading him to wander through the erotic section of craiglslist or other sites? If you fulfill his top five needs I assure you that the vast majority of men will make sure your top five needs are met.

Let me paint this for you very clearly. Shockingly, I learned more from a sermon at a very large Southern Baptist Church about 12 years ago than I learned in any class in college, including Psychology. Yep, that's right! This Phone Sex Operator has an education and a even knows what a church is. This information I'm about to give you came from one of the best books I've ever read. The title is, "His Needs Her Needs - Building The Affair-Proof Marriage", by Willard F. Harley, Jr. Here goes some of the best advice offered for these whining women who are blaming craigslist, dating sites, and phone sex operators for the demise of their marriage. Now be honest with yourself, suck it up, and swallow a much needed pill for your own good.

His Top Five Needs

1) Sexual Fulfillment

2) He Needs Her To Be His Playmate - Recreational Companionship

3) He Needs A Good-Looking Wife - An Attractive Spouse

4) He Needs Peace & Quiet - Domestic Support

5) He Needs Her To Be Proud Of Him - Admiration

Look hard, be selfless, as opposed to selfish, and maybe you'll see the flickering light bulb. If you're wise, you'll screw it in tightly and the light will shine brightly enough for you to take responsibility and become pro-active in your marriage.

Here goes the slicing of the proverbial cake once again. Yes, sex is number one for most men, whether they admit it or not. If we, as women can find our way to catering to that need our number one need for affection will, in turn, be fulfilled. Our cup will overflow!!!

If you share common interests with your man and are his play partner, enjoying your hobbies and adventures together with joy you will keep his interest and his eyes and, more important, his wiener won't wander. He won't need or want to be on his computer looking up www.phonesexkingdom,, or FACT!!!

Good-looking is subjective. A guy who looks like Capt. Kangaroo knows his match isn't going to be Pamela Anderson. The point is that he found you attractive when he married you. Now as we age it's up to us to do the best we have with what we were given. Don't get lazy. There's a reason guys have four to six bathroom items and women have 45. Smell good, dress in a manner that is pleasing, use make-up. You can do this cheaply if you are limited. But do it.

Stop hitting him with all the things Johnnie and Cindy did wrong today when he walks in the door after work. Give him 30 minutes to read the paper, sit on the throne, snooze. Let him unwind. Don't sound like Charlie Brown's teacher in the man's ear as he comes into his home. Men, as a general rule, are goal oriented. We are detail oriented. That means his goal is to get home while we may be multi-tasking. It's just the way it is. We are talking about 30 minutes a day here women!!

And finally, you married him for a reason. Lift him up, make sure he knows you are proud of him. Don't rag at him or about him to your friends, co-workers, family. This is YOUR PARTNER!!

I've just given you women, who are pointing fingers, a huge gift. If you take this information to heart and live it you will force me, as a Phone Sex Operator, right out of business. And you know what? That would make me one very happy woman. Yes, I'd miss my job and my clients whom I adore. But I would know that these men have had their needs met by the woman they chose as opposed to a pretty face and a sexy voice. And if you live by these five basic rules your top five needs will be met. He will kiss the quicksand you stand in.

If I've captured your attention it is now up to you to use this computer you are sitting in front of to find out YOUR top five needs. I've already given you one of them. The #1 need you have. Yes, he has a responsibility to you. Trust me when I tell you that whining, threatening to sue craigslist, and pointing the finger will not get you what you want. Unless, of course, what you want is misery. And many of you do want just that. Break the chain, let this be your dawning day, put me out of business, drop the pathetic divorce rate in our country, make me have to go back to a lesser paying job in the mental health field. THAT day will be a changing day in MY life, YOUR life, and YOUR HUSBAND'S life!!!

Basic economics apply here. It's called supply and demand. You don't supply it. I do. The women I work for and with supply it. He demands it, craves it, can't and won't live without it. Change it!!! You hold the key to my chastity belt. Right now you've left the lock opened and your husband has my number. For you women who want to gripe, complain, and do nothing to move your marriage in the direction it's supposed to go, then I say to you as I slice this delicious dessert (your husband), "Let Them Eat Cake", because I've got the ice cream and icing he so desires.

If you're sharp enough to act upon this, and educated enough to learn the accurate history behind the quote, "Let Them Eat Cake" then I tip my hat to you with a wicked chuckle and say, "Bon appétit!!" You just might have a chance at putting me, Phone Sex Kingdom,, and all of those incredibly talented women I align myself with, right out of business.

Bailey Addison, PSO


  1. Interesting. I like this idea...I also think that a woman will be all of those things if the guy allows her to. What do I mean by allow? Well, if a man is treating me poorly, I will not want to do any of that for him. I have lots more ideas on this. Call me! 888-313-7155 $2/minute

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